Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Timesheet comments are not visible after AX2012R2 upgrade from CU6 to CU7

Hello People,

Recently I was involved in an upgrade project for AX2012R2 from CU6 to CU7. An interesting issue has been detected by our team and fixed by me. The issue consists in the fact that all the users are not able to see all their previous comments inserted in timesheets. Sometimes the internal and external comments provided by users are very significant for team leaders/project managers and administration. The further investigations proved that the internal/external comments still are stored in the TSTimesheetTrans table. The new design of the comments area for timesheets in CU7 involve the TSTimesheetLineWeek table. So, the goal is to refresh/update the TSTimesheetLineWeek table records. See below a job that performs this task.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

AX 2012 Client crash - System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException

I will describe below a very stupid issue that required today about 30 mins to resolve it. It is pretty simple but it can consume your precious time.
So, the short description: On my desktop PC I have installed 3 languages. As usually a RDP session was started to a virtual development machine... AX 2012 Client launched. In user interface the system works perfectly. But in development workspace the AX client crashing once I'm trying to view the code of any object. See below the full stack:

Application: Ax32.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

DMF labels missing on AX2012 CU7

Recently I've applied the Payroll tax updates for AX 2012 R2 - 2014-R8 on the top of CU7. One of the issue that our team resolved was the @DMF label files loss. After applying KB2968253 the DMF label file disappeared from AOT, SYP labels model. From the support team I've obtained another hotfix that resolves this issue. At the moment of fixing this hotfix was not publicly available. So, I decided to share it... It may help someone else.

KB2975389 - Download

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How to refresh a Tree (CtrlFormTree)

At the first impression it looks like simplest task... But regardless of that I spent a couple of great hours trying to figure out how to refresh the tree control on EcoResCategory form.

Hello ERP world!

Hello dear AX community, this is my first blog. Here I want to share my personal experience gained in the ERP world. Currently I'm a software developer and from the very beginning of my carrier, someway, I was absorbed by this world. I did my first steps with 1C Enterprise. Now, the primary battlefield, for me, is Microsoft Dynamics AX and the main intention is to post in this blog excerpts of my experiences.

How to compare two table buffers. Or how to understand which fields were updated.

Sometimes I need to understand which field values were updated. In most of the cases we can override the modifiedField() method on a table... But what if I don't want to check all (or almost all) table fields on this method? The best solution that I'm using is to compare the original table buffer with current. So, I'm going to share this approach...